Research topics
Name | Supervisor | Topic | Comment |
Gábor Albert | Dr. Csaba Koren | -- | |
Kornélia Ambrus Somogyi | Dr. András Bakó | -- | |
Zoltán Bátori | Dr. Hartványi Tamás | Supply chain analysis and optimization methods | |
Miklós Berta | Dr. András Horváth | Application of noise detection methods in nuclear industry | |
Roland Boldis | Dr. Csaba Szabó | -- | |
Ádám Bukovics | Dr. Péter Scharle | -- | |
Adrienn Buruzs | Dr. Miklós Bulla | -- | |
András Fehér | Dr. Gyõzõ Molnárka (Dr. György Farkas ) | -- | |
László Gál | Dr. László T. Kóczy | -- | |
Miklós Ferenc Hatwágner | Dr. András Horváth | Applicaton of genetic algorithms on optimization of dynamical systems | |
Tamás Heckenast | Dr. Csaba Gáspár (Dr. Cecília Sík Lányi) | Visualization of spatio-temporal dynamic system attributes for decision support | |
Géza Hegedûs | Dr. Abdelhakim Lotfi | -- | |
Dr. Alice Horváth | Dr. András Bakó | -- | |
Gábor Horváth | Dr. Zoltán Horváth | -- | |
Richárd Horváth | Dr. István Prileszky | The survey of transport networks in time and space | |
János Jósvai | Dr. Károly Kardos | -- | |
Katalin Kovács | Dr. András Jávor | AI Controlled Simulation of Transdisciplinary Problems | |
Antal Lukács | Dr. Zoltán Horváth | -- | |
Klára Macsinka | Dr. Csaba Koren | -- | |
Tibor Mocsári | Dr. Péter Holló | The examination of parameters, affecting driver’s speed choice with the collective analysis of databases (road characteristics, weather conditions, traffic and speed data, traffic accidents involving personal injuries) | |
Péter Németh | Dr. Lajos Tóth | -- | |
Gabriella Orbán | Dr. Péter Várlaki | -- | |
Dr. Levente Solecki | Dr. Tamás Réti | -- | |
Gábor Tóth | Dr. Balázs Benyó | -- | |
Norbert Varjasi | Dr. Gyõzõ Molnárka | -- |