Research topics, summary
Civil engineering
Tamás Heckenast
Supervisor: Dr. Csaba Gáspár (Dr. Cecília Sík Lányi)
Title: Visualization of spatio-temporal dynamic system attributes for decision support
Sometimes the surveillance and control of large, complex distributed concurrent systems are done by human decision makers. The aim of the research is to construct information visualization methods for process related decision support. Further the theoretical background of the visualization transformation (process and event models vs. visual objects) should be investigated.
Katalin Kovács
Supervisor: Dr. András Jávor
Title: AI Controlled Simulation of Transdisciplinary Problems
The PhD program is aimed at discrete simulation methodologies applying Artificial Intelligence where the problems are solved by model identification by reconstruction. The possible fields of application are aimed at the investigation of soft systems as e.g. traffic, economy, the development of regions.
Zoltán Bátori
Supervisor: Dr. Tamás Hartványi
Title: Supply chain analysis and optimization methods
A supply chain involves the activity and interaction of many entities. Usually each of these entities knows how to make locally optimal decisions when the situation is clear. Unfortunately many decisions must be made in settings involving vagueness and uncertainty. The goal of the research is to explore methods such as fuzzy logic and simulation in order to support supply chain related decision problems.
Richárd Horváth
Supervisor: Dr. István Prileszky
Title: The survey of transport networks in time and space
The thesis deals with the comparative survey of public transport networks. It collects features and parameters by which objective comparison is possible. The newly developed classification system will be algorithmically, therefore it could be handled with by IT methods.
Tibor Mocsári
Supervisor: Dr. Péter Holló
Title: The examination of parameters, affecting driver’s speed choice with the collective analysis of databases (road characteristics, weather conditions, traffic and speed data, traffic accidents involving personal injuries)
The speed of cars is one of the most important road safety determinant parameters.. In Hungary 44 % (19% inside built-up areas.) of the traffic accidents involving personal injuries on rural roads were caused by non-adequate speed-choice in 2004. There is a well-known relationship between the number and severity of the traffic accidents and the speeds of vehicles. But less information is available about the most important driver’s speed parameters in Hungary and the way we can determine these parameters exactly. The main goal of this research is a model, which can be used for the analysis of the relationship between different parameters (input data) and the speed-choice of drivers (output data).